The Sands Features

A black and white icon of a living room with a couch , television , and lamp.

Lakeside Guestrooms, Chalets, and Beachfront Cottage

A black and white drawing of a wifi signal on a white background.

Complimentary WiFi

A black and white drawing of a dumbbell on a white background.

Silverback GYM

A black and white drawing of a chinese symbol on a white background.

Onsite Restaurant/Lounge

A black and white drawing of two trees next to a body of water.


A black and white drawing of a person 's signature on a white background.

Located directly on the OFSC Trail System and ATV Trail System

A black and white icon of a candle and a flower.


A man is standing at a podium giving a speech to a group of people.

120 Seat Lakeside Conference/Banquet Facility

A black and white drawing of a computer monitor on a white background.

satellite TV

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